Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And we're off!

The Bombastics woke up early today. Really early. We were sneaking down the stairs of our apartment just before 5 am this morning to catch our flight to Barcelona. We were a little bleary eyed, but excited to finally be on the road.

Just managed to get our bags checked without being overweight. No small feat considering we have a circus in there.... Had to shuffle a few things around, so I now have three two foot long knives in my personal suitcase. Customs should be fun.

We are hoping to blog extensively throughout our trip, so I thought I should pull out the netbook and throw one up in the airport. I am feeling pretty tech savvy right now.

We are about to board our plane, make a quick stop in Toronto and then fly through the night to Barcelona. Let's just hope my accordion boards with me.

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