Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our Fifteen Minutes

Well folks, Li'l Pepper has carried us safely to Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria where we once again rest easy in the home of our Austrian parents, Philip and Petra (also known as these guys: We've trekked up and down a mountain, explored a cave, eaten ice cream sundaes, swam in their pool, and picked apples from their backyard tree – and it's just 6pm of our first day! It seems like it's going to rain now, though, so we might have to spend tomorrow drinking coffee and playing Dominion. Poor us...

Mark left us in Freiburg, Germany, headed to Bamberg Zaubert, our first festival this year. We set off early in the morning in order to check-in with the festival before 1pm, but a 6 hour car trip quickly turned into an 8 ½ hour lesson about the differences between American and German highway exit signs (a lesson that Google maps should also learn).

We eventually made it to our hotel (and I got to make use some of my German audio lessons to ask directions to highway A6!), where it turned out that being late was only a problem for our sense of calm. First hotel check in, then a meeting with festival organizers and participants, followed by charge our electronics get our costumes together load everything on the shuttle did we forget something oh scheisse, then unload get dressed - take a break to sip some complimentary mineral wasser mit gas – then parade! With all the other performers, we strolled through the historic downtown, juggling, dancing, shmoozing with the public. We eventually reached a marching band, which I thought probably marked the end of the parade. My sigh of relief was cut short as Mark and I soon realized that the parade was actually about to start – the whole first part was just a short-cut to the beginning point. Again, scheisse. Find me the person who wants to wake up at 6am, be lost on various autobahns for 8 hours, then march in a parade, and I will eat my lederhosen.

Mark and I plastered on our pageant smiles, though, and bravely soldiered forward. Parade #2 – check. A little rest and more complimentary snacks before our first show - check.

In lieu of actually rehearsing at all before our first festival, we had just talked through our show over and over, so we were a little nervous about how our first show EVER would go. When we arrived at our spot, though, we already had a crowd 2 rows deep looking up at us like little baby birds. It was a piece of cake. Mark's crazy dances were truly inspired, and our final trick (performed only one time before and never on the street) actually worked! Superstars.
Mark attempts to fit his considerable frame through a tennis racket. He succeeds.

Getting the audience volunteers ready for our grand finale.

The whole festival went like that for us – great spots (even 2 times on a stage with someone running sound for us), no rain even though it poured on others, and happy crowds. The festival provided hotel rooms, catered food every day, beer every night, and a luxurious breakfast buffet every morning. We really felt like superstars. As we walked back to the performer dressing room after a show one night (wearing mostly street clothes, not costumes), a father recognized Mark. “Marco!” he yelled, beaming at us. “Marco!” Marco yelled back. His family crowded around us and we all took a picture together. Superstars.

We left Bamberg after waking up late Monday afternoon and drove to Sint Katelijne Waver, Belgium, basking in the happy glow of our stardom. The camera zooms in on our laughing faces, sunglasses in place and scarves blowing in the wind. The sun sets behind our speeding car. Cut to one day later, 6am, pouring rain: Marco and Moxy are squatting in the mud picking butter beans. Oh, Fickle Fame...
Squattin' in the mud pickin' butter beans.

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